So over the past weekend, Tina, Christina, and I got to talking about what we will be doing for our kid's birthdays. We are going to have a family party here at home. But I do want something special - cake. Jamie loves playing with his legos, so I am going to make him a Lego birthday cake. I figured I'd start practicing now so I don't mess up the real one. This is what I came up with:
I think it's hideous. The knobs are too big, so next time I'll use large marshmallows. Frosting is a pain to get smooth, so I'm thinking fondant. The cake itself is too flat, so I'll do a double decker to hopefully get a more lego-like shape. And the color is dull but I'm not sure how I will fix that. But I know the real cake will be three different colors, defining the three legos. All in all, not bad for my first try.
I think you did very well for the first cake. I'm not even going to try and do Elena's. I'm just not that talented