Sunday, November 10, 2013


Jamie  is 4 1/2 years old and he can now ride his bike without trainig wheels. Again, this mom had oddles of videos but none will upload. you will just have to come and visit us to see.
 ps. He is super proud of himself. He is very steady on the bike- only wobbles when he first gets going. YAY!!! Day 1: one crash when he tried to stop: no tears, no crying YAY!!!


Halloween was awesome this year. 
This is our skeleton friend that Mom picked up for us. We came home from our shopping and found him playing on Daddy's XBOX. I had Jamie open the door for us so I got to see his expression when he first saw it. My boy is a bit of a scaredy-cat. He just froze and walked as far from him as possible. We got Brionney to hold his hand but even she was kinda freaked. We hung him on our door for the month. He also glows in the dark. Kids stayed away from the door all month.

Jamie was a dinosaur. Brionney was a bear with a cute little black skirt. Mommy was a hippy. Daddy had to work. Grandpa brought the wagon and pulled the two all around the block with Mommy and Grandma following. The kids had a blast and made out like bandits. 
I realize that my posts keep getting farther and farther apart; however, we are still alive and kicking here in Southern Utah.
Jamie had a dance recital at school a few weeks ago. He and his Preschool class sang and danced to the Hockey Pockey. I also have the video- you will have to come to me to see it because my blog won't play it.

This is Jamie getting prepared for the dance.

The child would NOT let me take a decent picture.

 He was a rockstar. Sang and danced like a PRO. Really thought you have to see the video. I told him to sing loud so Daddy (at work some 30 miles away) could hear him- He all but screamed the song. HILARIOUS!!!
We took a quick trip to Orem. Ron let me play with his clay. I wanted a vase- I think it turned into a bowl until Ron saved me and got it back into a vase. It's a lot harder than it looks and lots of fun.

 Jamie got to play too.

Daddy couldn't resist either. He got the bowl.