Sunday, after his bath, Jason was getting Jamie dressed. Jamie HATES getting dressed. So, Jason was talking and tickling and keeping him distracted when plain as day, Jamie looked straight at him and said, "Dad." Jason paused, looked at me, then back at the baby and Jamie said it again, "Dad." Jason laughed and got him to say once more.
I have been trying since Jamie could talk to get him to say Mom. But alas, twas not to be. Jason won this time. I'll get the next one.
Sunday, Jamie turned 8 months old. He said his first, clear word, while knowing what it means at 8 months. When Jamie's really upset he sputter, "mmmmmm." Meaning Mom or food? Don't know. We'll see.
Monday, I had to an appointment in Hurricane. We hung out at Mom and Dad's after and had a good time. But on the way home, Jamie was not happy. He started screaming before we even got to State St. I called Jason to let him know we were headed home. After listening to Jamie crying for awhile, Jason told me to put him on speaker. So I held the phone back over the carseat so Jamie could hear. As soon as Jamie heard his Dad's voice he quieted right down and only whimpered now and then while his Dad talked to him. I was ticked! I talk to that child constantly when we drive around town. I talk and he screams louder, but his Dad talks and he quiets right down. We were about half way home when I hung up with Jason. Almost immediately Jamie starts crying again. I tried talking to him, singing to him, being quiet, turned the radio on. Nothing. We were almost home, maybe 5 minutes away. I called Jason back and asked him to talk to Jamie again, expecting nothing but it was worth the try. Jason was doing homework so he just read his homework aloud. Immediately, Jamie was silent and listened to Jason talk the rest of the way home. I thanked my husband and hung up when we arrived home. I walked around and opened Jamie's door and he had the gall to smile at me! I could have screamed myself, the little putz.
So not only does Jamie say "Dad" first but apparently he likes the sound of his voice better as well. Lol.
I am glad that Jamie loves his Dad, being that they don't have much time together.