We live ten minutes form Quail Lake. This summer we are taking advantage. We've been out there almost every weekend. Jamie LOVES the water. He is all over the place. 
Brionney has one fear- water. She curls into a ball on my shoulder trying to keep herself out of the water. But she'll lean down and splash with her hands.
This past weekend we took the boat with us. SO much fun.
Will definitely be doing this again.
Jason and Hanna
Jamie waiting patiently for his turn. He liked being in the boat best.
(Funny face is due to the sun in his face.)
Brionney and Mom watching Dad and Aunt Hanna on the tube.
Despite my fear of the water. I turn many turns in the tube and loved it!
The faster the better.
Jason took a turn by himself hoping to be dumped in the water. No such luck.
But he had fun anyway.
In the end, Missy B fell asleep, no one was dumped in the water (Jason threw himself off), and no one got sunburned. Awesome! See you soon, Quail Lake!