It's official- she can sit on her own.
In a ten minute bath she only slipped once. YAY!!!
And as hard as I tried- she would NOT look at me.
She was having to much fun with her new found freedom in the tub.
And I am seeing a major pattern here.
Seriously more often than not she falls asleep in her chair.
Her big brother quickly woke her back up when he saw she did not finish her cracker.
He insisted she needed to finish her cracker before her nap.
Yes she was asleep but she kept a death grip on that cracker and would not let it go.
We have some visitors at our house.
These four little piggies are visiting for the week until the local 4H club can take them.
Cute and tiny but they squeal like a sqeaky toy and stink to high heaven.
But the kids like to watch them run around.