Monday, August 20, 2012

School starts this week

Guess who can sit up?
 Last week she needed this pillow.
This week she can do it on her own- for about ten seconds.
But she's getting better everyday!

Jason got new school clothes- 3 shirts and a new swim suit.
Sticking with tradition we had him model for us.
Jamie helped Jason pick out what to wear first then came running down the hall.
"Boys and Gentlemen! Daddy's getting clothes on. YAY!"

(What he was supposed to say: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!
Presenting Daddy in his new clothes!)

 And then Jamie was feeling left out so he got into his swimsuit as well.
We didn't have the heart to tell him he had his boxers on instead of his swimsuit.

Then they posed . . .

Super cute Guys! Have fun in school Jason. We love you.


  1. WOW!!!
    I'm impressed Jason posed in front of the camera. Don't think I could EVER get Kory to do that. Good Luck in school this semester. I hope it goes by fast for all of us.

  2. She is getting so old! Darling girl. I love the modeling poses. I make my husband do that too if I buy him something new. Hope you are doing well! Glad to see the updates
